The latest intel about the unannounced Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 comes from Tom Henderson, who claims that 11 different studios are working on it. Henderson was the first to report on Modern Warfare 2’s existence last year. Since then, the reputable leaker has started dropping more details about Call of Duty 2022, including an 18-minute video where he reveals several juicy tidbits about the unconfirmed game. His latest claim lists Treyarch, Activision, Raven Software, Sledgehammer Games, Demonware, High Moon Studios, Toys for Bob, and Beenox, as part of Call of Duty 2022’s development team. In his latest video, Henderson talks about the progress of Call of Duty 2022. He cites his sources as having said that they consider the game’s latest build as an “alpha”, suggesting that development is going smoothly. Of course, as privy as Henderson is to what’s going on at Activision, he’s not an official spokesperson. If we assume that everything that Henderson has mentioned so far is true, it would mean that Infinity Ward is working on a follow-up after rebooting the Modern Warfare franchise in 2019. The same game set a new record for the entire franchise after selling over 30 million units - and still counting. After reports of Call of Duty going through a noticeable decline in sales in the past two years, it would make a lot of sense for Activision Blizzard to go back to something that has worked for them in the past. Then again, Henderson’s list of studios isn’t exactly good news. Last year, we rounded up all the studios involved in the development of Call of Duty games in recent years. At the end of the day, we’re just glad to know that things are business as usual over at Activision Blizzard despite all the controversy and Microsoft’s acquisition. Speaking of, it might be a while before the buyout has any effect on the Call of Duty franchise. After Sony’s statement on the purchase, Microsoft confirmed that Call of Duty will remain on PlayStation consoles. But, this hasn’t stopped Sony from making moves, snatching up Bungie for $3.6 billion.

Eleven different Activision studios are working on Call of Duty 2022 - 17