According to the long-standing reliable Call of Duty leaker, TheGhostOfHope, two new developers are working on a new resurgence map for Warzone 2. Earlier this month, Hope leaked that the classic resurgence modes and its maps, including the Rebirth Island and Fortune’s Keep, will be completely removed once Warzone 2 releases. Many players were confused about the situation as the majority has taken a huge liking to the fast-paced gameplay the resurgence mode offers. While the players were gutted to hear about this unfortunate news, the report seems to line up with Hope’s recent leak about a new resurgence map for Warzone 2. The new resurgence map in development seems to fill the gap of a resurgence mode in Warzone 2.

— Hope (@TheGhostOfHope) October 23, 2022 The removal of the resurgence mode and the maps from the original Warzone could be a marketing decision by Activision to push more people toward their new battle royale experience. If Hope’s tweet about removing the modes is true, the players won’t have the mode for at least 5-6 months as, according to him, the new resurgence map is set to release in mid-2023. Beenox and Toys for Bob are tasked with developing the map with the help of Infinity Ward and Raven to direct the story and gameplay elements, respectively. Beenox is already experienced enough with the Warzone resurgence map as it developed the first resurgence map, Rebirth Island. Toys for Bob has helped develop Verdansk ‘84 and Caldera. They both have provided continued support throughout the game’s lifecycle. As always, it is best not to have any expectations, as all the information here is unofficial. We still have a while before the next resurgence map, if any, is released. As with any tentative information, a lot can change by the release time.

Beenox and Toys for Bob are reportedly working on a new resurgence map for Warzone 2 - 19